pure blood from Anna Wim on Vimeo.
[image description:
1st image: a transparent menstrual cup with fake blood spilling out of it, surrounded by small lily blossoms, on mint green background
2nd image: pomegranate with a quarter cut out, and a blood-like looking puddle with pomegranate seeds arranged to appear as if it was dripping from it, on bright yellow background]
3rd image: two halves of a papaya, one of them having a transparent menstrual cup placed in the middle of it, on red background
4th image: half of a papaya, with a chewed pink chewing gum sticking out of it, on bright blue background
5th image: a transparent menstrual cup with leftover fake blood in it, on top of small lily blossoms, on mint green background
6th image: a transparent menstrual cup surrounded by fresh cherries, on bright yellow background]
photography and video for a promo campaign for a menstrual cup company, based on visual symbolism
semester exam assignment
KEA – Københavns Erhvervsakademi, 6th semester