good hard fun

photo series to celebrate International Masturbation Day with Fine Bone’s Prudence dildo, shot for k(y)nk

Ingrato for k(y)nk

cool grandma styled set design for editorial featuring Ingrato’s knitwear

Kinship cover shoot

set design for cover photo and editorial for KINK PRINT: Kinship, shot by Michelle Gutierrez Fernandez.

HAEMA art show

interdisciplinary art show co-organized with Bailey Keogh and Mariana Hoyos

go fuck yourself

artwork + interview with Berlin’s queer sex shop Other Nature for Kink Print hand-modelling Thierry October 2018

Kink Print: Self

art direction and editing-in-chief of Kink’s first printed issue

Kink: Desire

[image description: pink bondage set, lying on top of multicolored roses and fresh strawberries, on red background] photo to decorate Kink’s … More

Kink x Alt*Pride

[image description: 1st image: a white person’s hand with red-painted nails, holding a pink whip, in front of red background … More

all tied up

[image description: 1st image: a white person’s hand with pink-painted nails and goggly eyes glued on them, tied up with … More

pure blood

pure blood from Anna Wim on Vimeo. [image description: 1st image: a transparent menstrual cup with fake blood spilling out … More


[image description: 1st image: closeup of Anna’s legs with silver glitter socks, pink-grey-white sneakers, and baby pink leg cuffs, with … More