Trans sex – for Zin Straka (July 2024)
tips and tricks for having sex as a trans person
Když je sex trendy. Proč sexuálně pozitivní startupy škodí sexuálně pracujícím? – for Druhá směna (May 2024)
a critique of the sexual wellness industry’s exploitation of sex workers
Queering sex. Jak společenská představa o sexu ubližuje queer i cisheterosexuálním lidem. – for Druhá směna (November 2023)
how cisheterosexual definitions of what sex is (and isn’t) harm both queer and straight people
Reconnecting With Sexuality After Sexual Trauma – for CHEEX (October 2022)
how i realized i had been sexually assaulted, and how i work towards my healing
How Soon After an Abortion Can You Have Sex? – for CHEEX (August 2022)
answering all the questions about abortion and resuming your sex life
CHEEX’s manual to porn – for CHEEX (June 2022)
answering a lot of porn-related questions, from how to find out what your preferences are, how to consume erotic content, know what the most common porn terms mean, and other important topics!
interview for (November 2022)
shared a bit of my experience with OnlyFans for Czech magazine Heroine, amongst other local creators. Google Translate is your friend! ?
So bringst du Abwechslung in deine Masturbationsroutine – contribution to (November 2022)
gave some tips to on how to spice up your masturbation routine during this lockdown
Bloody Sexy – Why You Should Give Period Sex a Go – for Afterglow (March 2021)
article about benefits of having sex while menstruating

Spice up your self-isolation with sex educator Anna Wim – interview for Bricks Magazine (May 2020)
interview about sex toys, masturbation, and digital sex in the age of COVID-19
Warum wir mehr über sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten sprechen sollten – interview for WELT’s Iconist (April 2020)
interview about STI and sexual healthcare in Germany, and the stigma surrounding it
Long live sexting – for DÝPT mag issue IV (March 2020)
think piece about how helpful sexting can be

Wie eine Mandelentzündung – interview for Missy Magazine issue 02/2020 (February 2020)
interview about STI stigma
Crowdfunding our own survival – for kink magazine Kinship issue (July 2019)
think-piece about how often us queers have to crowdfund our own health and legal related attempts to survive